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Professor Ilias Kyrizakis

Cohort 1 (2024/25) Secondary Supervisor

Queen's University Belfast


Advanced Video Processing to Optimise Feeding of Livestock in Farms

About Me

I am the Professor of Animal and Veterinary Science at Queen's University Belfast. The overall theme of my research is the consequences of animal management on their performance, ability to cope with pathogens and environmental impact.

My specific areas of research include:

  • Modelling the responses of animals to their management, including feeding and health challenges

  • Interactions between host nutrition and responses to pathogens in laboratory and farm animals.

  • Factors,  including health challenges, affecting the behaviour and welfare of animals

  • Introduction of disruptive technologies, such as automated disease detection, in livestock systems

  • The effects of climate change on disease risk to farm and wild animal populations

Research Interests

Automated health and welfare detection; environmental impact of agri-food systems; animal resilience; simulation modelling.

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