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Dr Paul Williams

Cohort 1 (2024/25) Secondary Supervisor

Queen's University Belfast


Transparent Carbon Footprint Quantification and Reporting in Agriculture

About Me

Dr Paul N. Williams, is a fellow of the Institute for Global Food Security, Director of QUB’s Agricultural Technology Degree, and Senior Lecturer in Soil & Environmental Biogeochemistry. Paul’s research interests centre on environmental/elemental metrology, understanding plant-soil interactions and improved soil management. With over twenty years of experience investigating plant mineral nutrition, trace-element fate & behaviour in global agricultural systems, especially in rice paddy systems. In addition to a holding the Editor-in-Chief role for the Springer-Nature journal Exposure & Health, Paul sits on the editorial advisory board for the ACS journal ES&T and has held an editorial board position with Environmental Pollution for >15 years. Paul’s other duties include consultancy for the United Nations, FAO/IAEA and membership of the Belgium Fonds Wetenschap Vl+D15+D16

Research Interests

Environmental/elemental metrology, understanding plant-soil interactions and improved soil management.

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