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Lauren Gilman

Cohort 1 (2024/25)

Queen's University Belfast


Prof Hui Wang (Queen's University Belfast),
Prof Louise Manning (University of Lincoln)


Food Authentication Using Portable Sensors: Addressing Food Fraud and Food Mislabelling

About Me

I joined the CDT because I wanted to be a part of an organisation that brings together students with similar interests and goals. I am passionate about making a difference to the world of food safety and in particular those with life threatening food allergies. I am studying my PhD at Queen’s University in Belfast, having moved to Northern Ireland in January 2024. I picked Queens because of their excellent reputation for research. My ultimate career goal is to become a consultant within the world of food safety, helping them to make the most of AI technology. I own a farm as well, so in my spare time I can be found looking after my sheep or riding my horses.

Research Interests

Food safety, machine learning, food authentication, artificial intelligence, food fraud, food contamination.


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